First Day of 2015-16 BalVihar Year
Sunday August 29, 2015
In-class activities:
1. Introductions
2. Overview for the year
3. Roles and responsibilities
1. Research assignment with focus on India and Hinduism, due on Sunday September 13, 2015.
Tritya Teachers
Sunday March 29, 2015
In-class activities:
1. Discussion on the “Caste System”.
a. Dharma; Karma; Varna
b. Social, not religious system.
c. Identifying individual’s role in the society.
d. People moved from one caste to another.
e. Privileges, responsibilities.
f. Four categories:
– Braahman: Preachers and Teachers.
– Kshatriya: Protectors of the land.
– Vaishya: Providers. Farmers, merchants ets.
– Shudra: Slaves, servants.
g. What went wrong?
h. Greed.
i. Misinterpretation of creation of Varna.
j. Untouchables.
1. Reminder: To bring this assignment. It was due on March 29, 2015. However, if you have not yet submitted, then bring it next week- April 5, 2015. The homework is- to write the story of Mahabharata in your own words (up to the exile after the game of dice). You need not go into details but stick to the main story and get the names of the main characters right. This assignment is due on the 29th of March.
2. Some of the students have presentation of assigned Indian festivals. Check e-mail for the assigned festival.
Tritya Teachers
Sunday March 1, 2015
In-class activities:
1. Kids are supposed to write the story of Mahabharata in their own words (up to the exile after the game of dice). You need not go into details but stick to the main story and get the names of the main characters right. This assignment is due on the 29th of March.
Tritya Teachers
Sunday December 7, 2014
In-class activities:
1. Reviewed Mahabharata family tree and relationships of key players
2. Eklavya (Sanskrit: éklavya) and Guru Dronacharya story was shared and discussed
3. Practiced Bhagavad Gita shlokas (available on this site for students to download and print
4. Discussed the association between Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita
1. Write the Eklavya and Guru Dronacharya archery story in your own words (Do not Google the story and get the story)- print or hand write
2. Write at least five (5) sentences/bullets (These may be written in Hindi, English, and/or Hinglish) on the association between Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita. These sentences have to be not about characters in both and relationships. These sentences have to reflect your understanding of the linkage between the two. We will discuss them in class.
Tritya Teachers
Sunday September 28, 2014
In-class activities:
1. Reviewed skit
2. Discussed family tree
3. Talked about meaning(s) of each students name in Hindi
1. Memorize first shloka (refer to the link in earlier posting)-
“Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha,
Abhyuthanam Adharmaysya Tadatmanam Srijami Aham’.
Bhagavad Gita (Chapter IV-7)
“Whenever there is decay of righteousness O! Bharatha
And a rise of unrighteousness then I manifest Myself!”
2. Make the family tree for Dhrutarashtra, Pandu and Vidur.
Tritya Teachers
Gita shlokas for Tritiya
Review attached Gita Shlokas-
Gita shloka for tritiya- 2014
Tritya Teachers
WELCOME to BalVihar Year 2014-2015