
Announcement: Balvihar Closed Sunday January 19, 2025 for Inclement Weather

Balvihar will be closed on Sunday January 19th, 2025 due to freezing cold temperatures today and strong winds. Balvihar will open back for regular classes starting Sunday January 26th, 2025.

– Balvihar, Updated January 19, 2025


Announcement: Balvihar Closed Sunday September 1, 2024 for Labor Day

Balvihar will be closed on Sunday September 1st, 2024 for Labor Day weekend. Balvihar will open back for regular classes starting Sunday September 8th, 2024.

– Balvihar, Updated August 27, 2024


Announcement: Balvihar To Participate in IAN hosted Indian Independence Day on August 17, 2024

Balvihar kids will participate in upcoming Indian Independence Day celebrations being hosted by Indian Association of Nebraska (IAN). This is volunteer participation for Balvihar kids as we have not yet started academic year. If you want your child to participate in singing Indian national anthem then please reach out to teachers of your child class from last year. If your child is new to Balvihar then send an email to Info BalviharOmaha.
Balvihar teachers are looking forward to have you come out and support kids to encourage them and spread word about Balvihar kids achievements. Below are the details of the function:
  1. Program– IAN Independence Day Celebration
  2. Day/Date– Saturday August 17th, 2024
  3. Location– Hindu Temple Social Hall
  4. Time to Arrive– 3:30 pm (Parents please bring you child at 3:15 pm as this will help us start on time at 4:00 pm)
  5. Duration– Approximately 5- 10 minutes for kids to sing

Reminder: Parents please bring your kids to Hindu Temple social hall on time.

Those kids who are planning to participate in singing Indian National Anthem, we ask them to come and practice singing Indian National Anthem on Sunday August 11th 2024 at Temple Community Center at 11:00 am.

– Balvihar, Updated August 06, 2024


BalVihar: Registration Open for 2024- 2025 Academic Year and Classes Start on August 25, 2024

Hindu Temple and Omaha Bal Vihar teachers are excited to open “Registration” for the upcoming academic year 2024- 2025. Registration is open to all kids (past, current, and new)  who are in first grade or above in their regular school.  Parents can register their children online by clicking “Register 2024-2025“, registration fee is $80 per child for the year. Payment can be made on-line at Hindu Temple Donate page. When you are making online payments at the Hindu Temple website by clicking “Donate” button, please remember to select “Bal Vihar Registration” as an option from drop-down list. Alternate way to pay registration fee is by bringing check on first day of class and handing it to teacher of your child’s class. First day of school is scheduled for Sunday August 25, 2024 between 10:30 and 11:45 am. We encourage all parents to register their children at the earliest possible. Parents of kids who are new to Bal Vihar, we encourage you to come in and meet teachers of your childs class and pickup Bal Vihar on the first day of school.

If there are questions, you may send email to Info BalviharOmaha.


– Bal Vihar, Updated July 22, 2024


Announcement: Balvihar Closed Sunday April 7 2024 for Spring Break

Balvihar will be closed on Sunday April 7th, 2024 for Spring break. Balvihar will open back for regular classes starting Sunday April 14, 2024.

– Balvihar, Updated April 4, 2024


Announcement: Balvihar Closed Sunday January 14, 2024 Due to inclement Weather Conditions

Balvihar will be closed on Sunday January 14, 2024 due to Winter Storm and Wind Chill Warning. Balvihar will open back for regular classes starting Sunday January 21, 2024.

– Balvihar, Updated January 12, 2024


Announcement: Balvihar Closed for Labor Day (Sunday September 3, 2023)

Balvihar will be closed on Sunday September 3, 2023 for Labor Day. Balvihar will open back for regular classes starting Sunday September 10, 2023.

– Balvihar, Updated August 28, 2023


Announcement: Balvihar To Participate in IAN hosted Indian Independence Day on August 19, 2023

Balvihar kids will participate in upcoming Indian Independence Day celebrations being hosted by Indian Association of Nebraska (IAN). This is volunteer participation for Balvihar kids as we have not yet started academic year. If you want your child to participate in singing Indian national anthem then please reach out to teachers of yur child class from last year. If your child is new to Balvihar then send an email to Info BalviharOmaha.
Balvihar teachers are looking forward to have you come out and support kids to encourage them and spread word about Balvihar kids achievements. Below are the details of the function:
  1. Program– IAN Independence Day Celebration
  2. Day/Date– Saturday August 19th, 2023
  3. Location– Hindu Temple Social Hall
  4. Time to Arrive– 4:30 pm (Parents please bring you child at 4:15 pm as this will help us start on time at 4:30 pm)
  5. Duration– 30 minutes for kids to sing

Reminder: Parents please bring your kids to Hindu Temple social hall on time.

Those kids who are planning to participate in singing Indian National Anthem, we ask them to come and practice singing Indian National Anthem on Sunday August 13th 2023 at Temple Community Center at 11:00 am.

– Balvihar, Updated August 05, 2023


BalVihar: Registration Open for 2023- 2024 Academic Year and Classes Start on August 20, 2023

Hindu Temple and Omaha Bal Vihar teachers are excited to open “Registration” for the upcoming academic year 2023- 2024. Registration is open to all kids (past, current, and new)  who are in first grade or above in their regular school.  Parents can register their children online by clicking “Register 2023-2024“, registration fee is $80 per child for the year. Payment can be made on-line at Hindu Temple Donate page. When you are making online payments at the Hindu Temple website by clicking “Donate” button, please remember to select “Bal Vihar Registration” as an option from drop-down list. Alternate way to pay registration fee is by bringing check on first day of class and handing it to teacher of your child’s class. First day of school is scheduled for Sunday August 20, 2023 between 10:30 and 11:45 am. We encourage all parents to register their children at the earliest possible. Parents of kids who are new to Bal Vihar, we encourage you to come in and meet teachers of your childs class and pickup Bal Vihar on the first day of school.

If there are questions, you may send email to Info BalviharOmaha.


– Bal Vihar, Updated August 05, 2023


Announcement: Balvihar 2023 Year End Program

Balvihar is celebrating “Year End Program” on Sunday May 7th 2023 during regular class time (between 10:30 am and noon). During this program kids will show case what they had learned during this year. We are looking forward to have you come out and support kids to encourage them and spread word about Balvihar kids achievements. Below are the details of the function:
  1. Program– Balvihar Year End Function
  2. Day/Date– Sunday May 7th, 2023
  3. Location– Hindu Temple Social Hall
  4. Time to Arrive– 10:10 am (Parents please bring you child at 10:10 am as this will help us start on time at 10:30 am)
  5. Duration– 1 hour and 30 minutes to 1 hour and 45 minutes
  6. Lunch– After the function, lunch will be served

Reminder: Parents please bring your kids to Hindu Temple social hall on time as we would like to start and end the program on time.

May 7th 2023 will be last day of Balvihar class for this year and then we will break for Summer break.

– Balvihar, Updated May 3, 2023


Announcement: Balvihar 2023 Year End Program

Balvihar is celebrating “Year End Program” on Sunday May 7th 2023 during regular class time (between 10:30 am and noon). During this program kids will show case what they had learned during this year. We are looking forward to have you come out and support kids to encourage them and spread word about Balvihar kids achievements. Below is high-level outline of the program:
  • Bring your kids at 10:10 am
  • Kids perform (Kids from all classes)
  • Program Wrap- up (Planned around Noon)
  • Lunch to be served (Between Noon and 1:00 pm)

May 7th 2023 will be last day of Balvihar class for this year and then we will break for Summer break.

– Balvihar, Updated April 23, 2023


Announcement: 2023 Year End Program Volunteer Registration

Omaha Balvihar teachers appreciate you volunteering for upcoming 2023 Year End Program planned for Sunday May 7th, 2023 at the Hindu Temple Social Hall. Parents you can register themselves online by clicking “Volunteer Registration“.

If there are questions, contact Balvihar teachers.

– Bal Vihar, Updated April 23, 2023


Announcement: Balvihar Closed for Spring Break

Balvihar will be closed for Spring Break. There is no class on Sunday April 9, 2023. Enjoy Spring break. We will have regular classes starting Sunday April 16, 2023.

– Balvihar, Updated April 4, 2023


Announcement: Balvihar Closed for Winter Break

Balvihar will be closed for Winter Break. There will be no classes on Sunday December 25, 2022 and January 1, 2023. Enjoy Winter break. We will have regular classes starting Sunday January 8, 2023.

– Balvihar, Updated December 21, 2022


Announcement: Balvihar Closed (Sunday November 27, 2022)

Balvihar is closed tomorrow Sunday November 27th due to Thanksgiving. Enjoy short break. We will have regular classes starting Sunday December 4th.

– Balvihar, Updated October 11, 2022


Announcement: Hindu Temple Diwali Function (Saturday October 29, 2022)

Balvihar kids will participate in Diwali function celebration hosted by Hindu Temple of Omaha. Details for the function are:
  • Event– Temple Diwali Function
  • When– Saturday October 29, 2022
  • Time– Kids to report at 3:30 pm (function will start at 4:00 pm)
  • Where– Social Hall, Hindu Temple
  • Clothes– Traditional Indian cloths

Note: As Balvihar kids perform at the beginning of the Diwali function, it is must for you to bring your child to social hall at 3:30 pm so that teachers and other volunteers could get organized. If you child is not there at 3:30 pm they may miss opportunity to participate.

We appreciate your timely support and cooperation to celebrate Diwali function.

– Balvihar, Updated October 11, 2022


Announcement: Hindu Temple Diwali Function Dress Rehearsal (Friday October 28, 2022)

Balvihar kids will participate in upcoming Diwali function celebration Dress Rehearsal. Details for dress rehearsal (on stage) are:
  • Event– Temple Diwali Function Dress Rehearsal
  • When– Friday October 28, 2022
  • Time– 5:30 pm
  • Where– Social Hall, Hindu Temple
  • Clothes– Regular

To help prepare for the Diwali function, parents are requested to work with their child on the following:

  1. Bhajan– Riddhi Siddhi ke daataa mere Ganpati (check your email)
  2. Shloaks– Matru Devo Bhav, Kalpa Drumam (page# 20), Vakratunda Mahaakaya (page# 20), Saraswati Namastubhyam (page# 24),  Gurur Brahmaa Gurur Vishnu (page# 22), and Om Karagre vasate lakshmi (page# 29). These are page numbers from Balvihar Textbook.

We appreciate your timely support and cooperation to assist us prepare for the Diwali function.

– Balvihar, Updated October 10, 2022


BalVihar: Registration Open for 2022- 2023 Academic Year and Classes Start on August 28, 2022

Hindu Temple and Omaha Bal Vihar teachers are excited to open “Registration” for the upcoming academic year 2022- 2023. Registration is open to all kids (past, current, and new)  who are in first grade or above in their regular school.  Parents can register their children online by clicking “Register 2022-2023“, payment can be made on-line at Hindu Temple Donate page. All classes will be held in- person at community center. First day of school is scheduled for Sunday August 28, 2022 between 10:30 and 11:45 am. Parents of kids who are new to Bal Vihar, please note that you can pick up book from their childs class teacher at the time of registration or on first day of the class.

If there are questions, contact Bal Vihar teachers.

– Bal Vihar, Updated August 4, 2022


Announcement: Balvihar Year End Program (Sunday May 15, 2022)

Balvihar kids will celebrate and present glimpse of what they have learned to their parents as Year End Program. This year we will conduct Year End Program virtually due to continued COVID-19 restrictions. Below are details of the function:
  • Event– Balvihar Year End Program
  • When– Sunday May 15, 2022
  • Time– 10:30 am and Noon (Regular class time)
  • Where– Zoom Meeting (Link will be sent out later in email)

To help prepare for the Year End Program details are below:

  1. Topic– Each child is assigned a topic by their teacher to present
  2. Presentation– Child may enact or perform the topic, present it using tools like PowerPoint presentation, etc.
  3. Costume– Kids are to dress in Indian traditional costume supporting topic being presented
  4. Duration– Between 4- 5 minutes long
  5. Video Recording-Parents make video recording of your child performing and email to teacher
  6. Video Due Date– Parents, videos are due to your child’s teacher on or before April 15, 2022

We appreciate your timely support and cooperation to assist us prepare for the Year End Program on May 15th 2022.

– Balvihar, Updated March 17, 2022


Announcement: Balvihar Spring Break (Sunday April 10, 2022)

Balvihar will be closed on Sunday April 10th 2022 for Spring break. Balvihar will open back for regular classes starting Sunday April 17, 2022. Stay safe, warm and enjoy your Spring break.

– Balvihar, Updated March 17, 2022


Announcement: Balvihar (All classes) Celebrates Saraswati Puja (virtually)-Sunday February 6, 2022

Balvihar kids will participate in celebrating Saraswati Puja virtually on Sunday February 6, 2022. Kids have been practicing “Saraswati Bhajan ” to sing during celebrations. To assist your child with singing, it is highly recommended that you print and give them a copy of the bhajan as they will be in Zoom Meeting and will not have lyrics displayed on the screen.

Below is the information for both parents and kids (all balvihar kids including Youth Group) to prepare for participation in puja:

  • When- Sunday February 6, 2022
  • Time- Regular class time (between 10:30 am and noon)
  • Where-
    1. Common Session Link (10:30 am to 11:00 am)- check email
    2. Temple Link (11:00 am to noon)- check email
  • Items needed to perform puja
    1. Book, Notebook, and pen/pencil
    2. Plate with fruit, flowers, rice with turmeric/heldi mixed
    3. Wear Indian traditional cloths (optional)
  • Temple Panditji- Puja celebrations will be led by temple pandit ji starting at 11:00 am

If there are any questions, please contact the teacher of your kids class. Balvihar kids including youth grooup will participate in puja celebrations.

– Balvihar, Updated January 31, 2022


Announcement: Balvihar Winter Break (Sunday December 26, 2021 thru January 2, 2022)

Balvihar will be closed for winter break. Balvihar will open back for regular classes starting Sunday January 9, 2022. Stay safe, warm and enjoy your winter break. Balvihar family wishes everyone very Happy New Year!!

– Balvihar, Updated December 19, 2021


Announcement: No Balvihar Class on Sunday November 28, 2021

Balvihar class is cancelled on Sunday November 28, 2021 due to Thanksgiving. Balvihar will resume classes starting Sunday December 5th, 2021. Wishing everyone Happy Thanksgiving!!!

– Balvihar, Updated November 24, 2021


Reminder and Announcement: Diwali Recording on Saturday November 13th at 10:10 am and No Class on Sunday November 14th

Reminder– This is to remind every child and parents to arrive at the Temple Social Hall tomorrow November 13th at 10:10 am for final Diwali recording. It is must that you arrive sharp at 10:10 am as we have tight schedule to complete recording. Please have your child come dressed in Indian traditional clothes as we will record three items- prayers, bhajan and India- Traditional Costumes back to back. As Covid-19 restrictions, are still in place, follow guidelines and wear mask.
As temple cafeteria is operational, we have limited space to use for recording. It is recommended that you have your child remove and keep their shoes in cubbies in shoe room. Proceed to temple and meet up with teacher of your child. All kids will go on to the stage for recording. As there is limited space in social hall, parents are not to gather in social hall but wait in temple itself. Once, recording is completed, kids will return to temple from where parents can take theri child.
Announcement– As we are meeting tomorrow Saturday on November 13th for recording, there will be no class on Sunday November 14th.

– Balvihar, Updated November 12, 2021


BalVihar: Welcome and First Day of Class on Sunday September 12, 2021

This is to welcome all kids to another year of learning. Balvihar teachers are excited to have you in their classes and are looking forward to sharing with you various topics related to India, Hinduism (culture, festivals, traditions, etc.), yoga, etc.  Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we will start using virtual tools for instruction and as the year progresses and if and when Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, we may transition to in-person learning.
Virtual instruction is conducted using Google meet every Sunday between 10:30 and 11:45 am. Links will be provided by teachers for each class. All kids (except youth group) join a common google meet session, where we work on common prayers, practice on bhajans for various Indian festivals, yoga (breathing exercise), etc. and then breakout into separate sessions for their class.
Parents if your child is attending Balvihar for the first time, it is suggested that you visit Hindu temple and pick-up a Balvihar book from K. Chandrasekaran. This book will help your child to follow topics covered in the class.
Balvihar will have their first class on Sunday September 12, 2021. Additionally, teachers will email parents of kids from their class if there is any announcement specific to their class. Please look forward to an email from the teacher of your class for next steps sometime next week.
Parents, please visit this website in future for announcements and other updates.

– Balvihar, Updated August 27, 2021


BalVihar: Registration Open for 2021- 2022 Academic Year and Classes Start on August 29, 2021

Hindu Temple and Omaha Bal Vihar teachers are excited to open “Registration” for the upcoming academic year 2021- 2022. Registration is open to all kids (past, current, and new)  who are in first grade or above in their regular school.  Parents can register their children online by clicking “Register 2021-2022“, payment can be made on-line at Hindu Temple Donate page. As we are still operating under constraints of on-going COVID-19 pandemic till further notice, all classes will be held virtually. First day of school is scheduled for Sunday August 29, 2021 between 10:30 and 11:45 am. We encourage all parents to register their children at the earliest possible so that we can send you instructions early to give your child ample time to get ready for online learning. Parents of kids who are new to Bal Vihar, please look out for an e-mail to coordinate with Bal Vihar staff to pick up book prior to start date.

If there are questions, contact Bal Vihar teachers.

– Bal Vihar, Updated August 13, 2021


BalVihar: Class Canceled on Sunday March 28, 2021

Omaha Balvihar class is canceled on Sunday March 28, 2021 due to Holi.

– Bal Vihar, Updated March 27, 2021


BalVihar: Saraswati Puja Celebrations on Sunday February 21, 2021

Omaha Bal Vihar will celebrate Saraswati Puja virtually using Zoom meeting on Sunday February 21, 2021.

Balvihar will start as a regular class but then around 11:00 am the students will join Zoom Meeting to join the puja performed by Hindu Temple panditji. The link for this Zoom Meeting will be e-mailed to parents. Kids are encouraged to wear traditional Indian cloths.

– Bal Vihar, Updated February 8, 2021


Return on Sunday January 10, 2021

Omaha Bal Vihar will be closed on Sunday’s December 27, 2020 and January 3, 2021 for Winter Break!!

Bal Vihar classes will resume on Sunday January 10, 2021. If you have questions, please contact infobalviharomaha.

– Bal Vihar, Updated December 20, 2020


BalVihar: Closed on Sunday November 29, 2020 for Thanksgiving!!

Omaha Bal Vihar will be closed on Sunday November 29, 2020 for Thanksgiving!!

Bal Vihar classes will resume on Sunday December 6, 2020. If you have questions, please contact infobalviharomaha.

– Bal Vihar, Updated November 28, 2020


BalVihar: Opening Day Postponed and Registration Period Extended till Nov 11, 2020

Hindu Temple and Omaha Bal Vihar would like to reach out to every parent in the community to enroll their children for the upcoming academic year. Bal Vihar starting day is being postponed till first Sunday of October to accommodate parents still registering their kids. Please note that the enrollment period is being extended to November 11, 2020. If you have questions, please contact infobalviharomaha.

– Bal Vihar, Updated September 19, 2020


BalVihar: Registration Period Extended till Nov 11, 2020

Hindu Temple and Omaha Bal Vihar would like to reach out to every parent in the community to enroll their children for the upcoming academic year starting on September 20, 2020. However, the enrollment period is being extended to November 11, 2020. If you have questions, please contact infobalviharomaha.

– Bal Vihar, Updated September 12, 2020


BalVihar: Registration Open for 2020- 2021 Academic Year and Classes Start on September 20, 2020

Hindu Temple and Omaha Bal Vihar teachers are excited to open “Registration” for the upcoming academic year 2020- 2021. Registration is open to all kids (past, current, and new)  who are in first grade or above in their regular school.  Parents can register their children online by clicking “Register 2020-2021“, payment can be made on-line at Hindu Temple Donate page. As we are still operating under constraints of on-going COVID-19 pandemic till further notice, all classes will be held virtually. First day of school is scheduled for Sunday September 20, 2020 between 10:30 and 11:45 am. We encourage all parents to register their children at the earliest possible so that we can send you instructions early to give your child ample time to get ready for online learning. Parents of kids who are new to Bal Vihar, please look out for an e-mail to coordinate with Bal Vihar staff to pick up book prior to start date.

If there are questions, contact Bal Vihar teachers.

– Bal Vihar, Updated August 28, 2020


BalVihar: Classes Cancelled Until Further Notice as Precaution for Coronavirus Starting Sunday March 8, 2020

This is to inform BalVihar kids and parents that beginning tomorrow Sunday March 8, 2020 BalVihar classes will remain closed until further notice as a precautionary measure due to coronavirus.

If there are questions, contact BalVihar teachers.

– BalVihar, Updated March 7, 2020


BalVihar: Classes Cancelled for Sunday Jan 19, 2020 Due to Winter Weather Conditions

This is to inform BalVihar kids and parents that tomorrow Sunday January 19, 2020 BalVihar classes are cancelled due to winter weather conditions.

If there are questions, contact BalVihar teachers.

– BalVihar, Updated Jan 18, 2020


BalVihar: Planned Activities and Closing Dates

BalVihar kids will participate in the following upcoming events:

  1. October 20, 2019 Diwali craft and Pizza Day– Kids will make handy craft work for Diwali festival and will be provided pizza.
  2. November 9, 2019 Temple Diwali Function– All kids will participate in Hindu Temple Diwali celebrations by singing the “Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram”. The bhajan is provided on this page below (scroll down to next posting/announcement) for parents to practice with their child.

Below is the calendar for rest of the year to help parents plan other activities.

  1. BalVihar will be closed on the dates
    1. November 10, 2019– Closed due to Hindu Temple Diwali function on November 9, 2019.
    2. December 1, 2019– Closed due to Thanksgiving break.
    3. December 22 to 29, 2019– Due to Christmas/winter/New Year break (Sunday January 5, 2020- BalVihar is open).
    4. March 22, 2020– Due to Spring break.
  2. Kids will participate in the following activities in 2020:
    1. TBD, 2020– Saraswati Puja (coincide with Temple schedule).
    2. March 8, 2020– Holi Celebrations.
    3. May 9, 2020– Year end Annual Cultural Program (Last day of BalVihar school)- All kids will participate.

Kids will be reminded of these dates during classes as per calendar.  If there are questions, contact BalVihar teachers.

– BalVihar


Bhajan for Diwali 2019: Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram

Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram -2
Rama Narayanam Janaki Vallabham – 2

Kaun kehte hein Bhagvan aate nahi -2
Hum Meera ke jaise bulate nahi – 2

Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram -2
Rama Narayanam Janaki Vallabham – 2

Kaun kehte hein Bhagvan khaate nahi -2
Ber Shabri ke jaise khilate nahi – 2

Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram -2
Rama Narayanam Janaki Vallabham – 2

Kaun kehte hein Bhagvan sote nahi -2
Maa Yashoda ke jaise sulate nahin – 2

Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram -2
Rama Narayanam Janaki Vallabham – 2

Kaun kehte hein Bhagvan nachthe nahi -2
Gopiyo ki tarah hum nachathae nahi – 2

Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram -2
Rama Narayanam Janaki Vallabham – 2

Krishna Govind Gopal gaate chalo -2
Naam japte chalo kaam karte chalo – 2

Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram -2
Rama Narayanam Janaki Vallabham – 2


BalVihar 2019-2020 Registration is now open


Welcome back to 2019-2020 class of Balvihar.
 A quick reminder of the coming up events:
– Classes begin on Sunday, August 18th, 2019 from 10:30- 11:45 AM
– Online registration is now open.
– In person registration will be on August 11th in the temple social hall from 10:30 AM to 12 Noon.
Who can register: Students going to first grade in Fall of 2019 or six years of age or older.
Fees: (Non refundable ) Eighty Dollars per child. If you register online, please bring the check on first day of school.
We will be communicating with you through emails regarding closing of school during inclement weather (also be posted online) and upcoming events.
We all are ready and excited to welcome our students for another successful year of learning.
Thank you.
Balvihar staff

Student Supplies List


1 Subject ruled notebook

1/2” 3-ring Binder

Sharpened Pencils


Balvihar Text book (returning students only)

Following additional items are requested for Prathama Jr./ 1st Grade only

1 box of Crayons or Color Pencils

1 Kid-safe scissor

1 Glue stick
